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Omg! So I just got booked on a virtual summit!! I was so excited I just had to share!!
Marta Spirk
Ok...2 weeks into my sprint + the results are just golden! -138 new email leads -Lots of interest/contact on FB -$744 in sessions purchased -5 members into my subscription offer of over $800 -I'm also ranking on the first page of Google for so many of my birth charts!
Tiffani Purdy
Just had to celebrate how putting these sprints in place is just golden! My personal life has been insane! BUT! In the midst of it all, because I had my sprint in place and my YouTube videos batched recorded and scheduled, I was still visible! And by using the Pinterest training, I went from 400ish monthly viewers to 70,000! People are clicking and viewing my blog posts (which have my YouTube video embedded).
Christine Rosas
Michelle -- the celebrity quiz is SPOT ON. I got Gordon Ramsay, which at first I was like "oh god I'm an asshole" but then I read the strengths and weaknesses section, specifically this part: "And you know you can improve any process to make it more seamless, easy + successful." Yes, I can! I won an award at work for overhauling a process and making it easier and faster to process publication changes from Soldiers in the field. You definitely know what you're doing here! <3
Allison Buettner