Me too. Let's find your best fit...


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teach your team
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Visibility is about impact, 

not fame...


My passion is helping people get seen so they can share the unique message only they have been created with... they can truly change this world for the better.


One On One

This is a single sixty minute consultation meant for a solopreneur or small business owner who wants a quick look at their visibility or publicity strategies.

{This is not the right selection if you need an intensive look or a game plan moving forward.}

Where I've seen this applied:

  • Review of website/funnel flow
  • Social media feed feedback
  • Review of podcast pitching strategy {current pitch emails or project management breakdown}
  • Course/membership visual review
  • Single advertising campaign review

You will receive a questionnaire after payment along with an opportunity to book a time at your convenience.


This is what I need

Join Your Project

This is an ongoing collaboration where you would bring me into your project for my input on the visual movement of the work. I'll be present for your team meetings, project updates + even daily communication to keep things moving forward with clear input + feedback.

 Where I've seen this applied:

  • Working with a web design team during the discovery, build + launch phases to keep the project in tonal color harmony alignment + clear visual messaging cues
  • During a brand video build to help with script, concept, visuals + even editing review to make sure it powerfully attract ideal clients to trust + ultimately, conversion
  • Copy-proofing PR pitches to keep the message in alignment with the intention + increase booking rates
  • A program re-design - reviewing core messaging alignment + visual cues to increase conversions - especially with ad strategies

You will submit a form of interest for us to then schedule a call to understand the scope of the project + receive a custom bid.

Ranging from $2,500+ depending on scope of project, length + time commitment required.

Perfect! Let's collaborate.

Teach Your Team PR

This is a month-long commitment designed to bring me into your team to implement an ongoing publicity strategy. Choosing either podcasts, stages or publications, I will work with your existing team to show them the tactical recurring strategies to you being booked regularly in your chosen PR field.  Our goal is to introduce them to the key concepts + differentiations from standard PR agencies, while also giving them tactical steps of what to do when to see a positive return.

This link will take you to booking a call. We only accept calls from people ready to move forward immediately, so only select this if you're ready!

Ranging from $4,000+ depending on PR avenue selected + team size.

my team is ready

Join Your Company

If you want a psychology-based visual presence expert in your team - this will be your jam.

Including a consistent visibility + messaging perspective in your company can keep things running on target. Michelle will be present at team meetings + give input from a visual perspective to make sure all visibility + marketing efforts are cohesive, converting + scaling with ease.

McDonalds was the first company to invest 1 billion into their advertising because their color psychology + messaging was so clear...and became insanely profitable to become the #1 restaurant brand worldwide.

Knowing how much of a buying decision is visually-fueled, adding me to your team could push your company to its next desired step.

There are only a few spots available for this each year, so please email us if you have serious interest. 

Pricing starts at $6,000 a month.

this is my next step

Don't See What You're Looking For?

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Hey, I'm Michelle!

I help solopreneurs + established companies skyrocket their client connection + sales conversions using sales psychology + visibility strategies.

Whether online or brick and mortar, I've seen visibility + publicity injections revolutionize every business you can imagine.

From doulas to eyelash businesses, to investment firms and online coaches! Visibility, true visibility, means a scaling, profitable business. Is yours?

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