Exploding Your Marketing {and Sales} with Pinterest

marketing pinterest visibility Aug 31, 2020

Over the last year, I've made a total 180 switch of how I used to do marketing.

After so many years of doing the same ol' thing with promoting on social media channels, I wasn't getting the results I was looking for.

My email growth was very sporadic + I knew I wanted something that was relatively hands free but consistently brought me in subscribers + sales.

In this post, I'll show you how my switch to Pinterest changed the game for me + can do the same for you.



And before we dive in, I highly recommend taking my Visibility Tools Masterclass so you can learn exactly what I use to steadily grow!! Take the class here.


Why I Moved To Pinterest


If you're anything like me, you have a podcast, possibly a YouTube channel + you livestream once a week or so.

You're used to the rhythm of graphics creation + being sure to post your new content to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter + LinkedIn.

You also may be like me if all of that posting felt futile because your email list grows at a snails pace + not much of that promo translates to listeners or viewers.

So we're left with the frustration of...

"I'm doing all of the things, why am I not seeing the growth?!"

I totally get that. And I was insanely frustrated.

I was doing what all of the guru's were saying to do, so it just didn't make sense.

I decided to dive into another marketing avenue that not a lot of entrepreneurs were doing.


And that was Pinterest.
Figuring that this was a platform I hadn't tried, I figured it was at least worth a shot.

Getting Started With Pinterest

So I hired a Pinterest manager + got to work continuing to publish weekly content to my blog.
And yes, I still did a video that went on YouTube, but the video also lived at the top of my blog.
And yes, I still promoted on social, but traffic to that was a bonus. I was primarily focused on traffic from Pinterest + focusing all of my energy there.
Here's what I was in charge of + what she was in charge of on a monthly basis:
  • Me: Write blog
  • Me: Record video to insert into blog
  • Me: Send her url
  • Her: Create pins that point to blog
  • Her: Schedule them to go out in Tailwind
  • Her: Pin to my boards, group boards + Tailwind Tribes
  • Her: Send me stats once a month

If you'd like to try out Tailwind for free for a month, click here.

At first, it was honestly tiring. 

It was a ton of work + I wasn't seeing any return for the first 2-3 months.

Most people would have given up by then, but I'm a pretty stubborn gal ;)

Month 4 is when it really started changing.



So you can see that while month one {which also went similarly for month two + three} struggled to hit double digits, month four hit triple.


And this was the report for last month.


I average about 200 opt ins per month strictly from Pinterest.

So, as you can imagine, the email list is steadily growing + most importantly, there are guaranteed sales month after month.



What Metrics To Focus On


So you may be ready to jump head first into Pinterest for yourself.

I'm so excited for you!
But before you do, I want to share with you what to focus on + what to ignore.
Your monthly views.
This is pretty much the equivalent to how many times any pins or your profile have been glanced over.
It's a total vanity metric.
You can look at the overview in terms of, "oh good, my monthly views are going up", but it's not indicative of traffic or opt ins at all.
Again, really not relevant.
They could be from other people's pins you're pinning, so they may have no indication on your website traffic specifically.
Clicks to website.
Here's what you want to be paying attention to!
Seeing how many people are clicking to your site + then comparing it to how many are opting in are great stats to track.
I like watching these stats because the more people that follow me, the more Pinterest will prioritize my pins.
You definitely don't have to, but for me, going from 100 followers to now 2,000 has been great to see.


How To Get Into The Rhythm

In order to make this platform work for you, you HAVE to get into a rhythm + have a strong system for it.
Content creation is key.
If you aren't publishing content weekly, this is not going to be a platform that works for you.
Pinterest wants new pins + new website url's.
So you have to commit to new content - I recommend blogging - at least once or twice per month.
Pin design.
For me, I just wanted to focus on the content creation. So I outsourced the pin design + Pinterest maintenance.
If you decide that you want to do it yourself, I recommend grabbing my friend Laura Rike's templates here.
It's vital to use a system like Tailwind so you can set up SmartLoops {think of it as auto-posting on Instagram}. 
This is how you can spend the smallest amount of time on the platform pinning because you've sorted through + scheduled your pins in advance.
And for this, once you have enough content, I recommend a 70/30 ratio. 70% pinning pins from your own content + 30% from others.
Groups + Tribes.
This is the life-blood of Pinterest. Think of it like Facebook Groups where everyone is there to share your content.
I'm currently a part of 34 group boards + 16 Tailwind Tribes.
This accounts for a TON of my re-shares. I've gotten 20 today - and it's a Sunday!
I'm sure you can see that this is an intense platform.
But, with the resources available, once you get in a rhythm you will start to see amazing results in just months.
And, by the way, this is ALL ORGANIC!



I know that this isn't an easy platform.
It can feel confusing + frustrating, that's for sure!
But you don't have to go it alone.
The best place to get tutoring from the top Pinterest experts I personally work with is inside of The Visibility Lounge.
You'll get intensive education + access to them inside of the private community.
Feel free to join here, we'd love to have you!




To recap, Pinterest is the #1 marketing platform I recommend to any entrepreneur. And, if you focus on the metrics that matter + get into a rhythm with publishing consistent content, you will see huge results.


If you're ready for the next step of your career, join a community of 100+ entrepreneurs who are taking action with their visibility + seeing huge results! Join here.


Comment below: Are you ready to jump into Pinterest? ⤵️

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